Change happens that quickly. A flab of a wing, a slight off-hand remark, a tiny nudge, or a big nudge is all that it takes to set off a chain of events that rocks us all. Have we all become overly sensitive and get our dander up all too often over the smallest thing and big miscarriages of justice? Look at the recent past riots all over our cities and you know what I’m talking about. The current PC term is civil unrest. That is a nice way of saying we got a bunch of pissed-off people breaking glass windows and stealing while some cities sit back and de-fund the police.
This country began with a bit of civil unrest when our colonists tossed cases of tea into the ocean showing England we were fed up. There are so many more cases in our miswritten history books to draw on that I will spare you another history lesson.
My point, we all need to take a deep breath and sometimes take a step back from the edge we live on. Not every line in the sand has to be crossed with reaction. The old saying tells us, don’t trouble trouble unless trouble troubles us. Meaning, that you will likely make the situation worse with a reaction–like the flap of a butterfly wing off the coast of Africa.
I’m Bob Joswick in Broken Arrow, OK wishing you a great day. Stay safe and make it a terrific day for someone else. See me at Good Day!